For a healthier world
Dole plc Sustainability Progress Report 2022
Promoting healthy nutrition is an inherent part of our mission statement to make the world a healthier place.
Healthy Nutrition
Our activities range from direct donations of produce to campaigns and nutrition education programs. We are also actively supporting organizations fighting food insecurity and hunger affecting kids.
- Donate 2,500 tons of fresh fruit and vegetables to communities by 2025
- Develop or maintain five digital initiatives promoting healthy eating to generate 2 billion impressions annually-(Promoting a plant-based diet, supporting “Eat Them To Defeat Them” campaign, publishing Dole Nutrition Newsletter, etc.)
- Develop or maintain 5 regional/ national programs inspiring healthy living and active participation

Responsible Sourcing
Dole produces a portion of those crops in its own farms but also sources from many independent growers. This grower base extends from multi-year partnerships to spot purchases. We have completed a classification of our sources to implement due diligence and adequate third-party certifications.
- Conduct supplier risk assessments on supply base
- 90% of Dole’s fruit and vegetable suppliers from high-risk countries (by volume) as defined by Amfori/ BSCI will have implemented a social standard included in the Dole basket of standards in their supply chains by 2025
- Circulate and promote our digital sustainability risk management tool to all commercial personnel globally by end of 2023 and provide training
Transparency and Food Safety
Dole’s global food safety program is risk-based and grounded in the latest science. Each Dole division has a food safety team working to deliver a common strategy, including compliance with Dole’s global management system, but giving each division scope to execute food safety controls as appropriate to their activities.
Dole works not just with growers, but also with our peers and competitors through participation in multi-stakeholder initiatives such as the Global Food Safety Initiative, to raise the bar on food safety and put additional standards into place. We’re also working with researchers and organizations like the Center for Produce Safety to better understand food risk challenges and to strengthen prevention strategies and controls.
- Actively participate in industry dialogue and multi-stakeholder initiatives.
- Continue enhancement of supply chain traceability and transparency by leveraging technology such as blockchain tagging or other advanced solutions by 2030.