
1. Purée 1 banana, 2/3 cup milk, pineapple, ½ tablespoon sugar and peppermint extract in a blender on high until smooth; transfer to a large plastic piping bag and freeze 15 minutes. Makes about 2 cups.


2. Purée strawberries, raspberries, and remaining 1 banana, 2/3 cup milk and ½ tablespoon sugar in a blender on high until smooth; transfer to a large plastic piping bag and freeze 15 minutes. Makes about 2 cups.


3. Cut off about ½ inch from tip of each piping bag; place both bags side by side in a large plastic piping bag fitted with a large star tip. Pipe the 2 flavors into 4 small bowls; serve garnished with candy canes and/or mint leaves, if desired.