
  1. Compose salad by evenly dividing salad blend between four medium plates. Arrange beets, carrots and pickled onions around the greens.
  2. Toss wheat berries with half the Cashew Curry Dressing and spoon onto the greens.
  3. Drizzle remaining dressing on the salad, then serve.

Cashew-Curry-Dressing: Combine 1/2 cup cashews, 1/4 cup water, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice, 2 teaspoons curry powder and pinch of salt, in blender. Cover; blend until smooth. Makes 3/4 cup.

Tips & Tricks

Keep Cashew Curry Dressing in the refrigerator and use it as you like. Stir in one or two tablespoons of water, to make it more pourable, before mixing it with your salad.