
1.  Purée pineapple in a blender on high until almost smooth.

2.  Heat 8 cups cider, 1/2 cup salt, rosemary and pineapple purée to a boil in a large saucepot over high heat; remove from heat. Add remaining 8 cups cider and 12 cups cold water; cool completely. Makes about 30 cups brine.

3.  Remove neck, giblets and liver from turkey. Place turkey in a 4-gallon saucepot or bucket; add brine and place a heavy plate or bricks on top of turkey to completely submerge. Refrigerate turkey at least 12 or up to 24 hours.

4.  Line a large roasting pan with foil; preheat oven to 400°F. In a small bowl, stir sage, thyme, oil, pepper, poultry seasoning and remaining 2 teaspoons salt. Remove turkey from brine; discard brine. Rinse turkey under cool running water; place in prepared pan and pat dry with paper towel. Rub outside of turkey with sage mixture; place garlic and onion inside cavity. Tuck wing tips under turkey to hold in place; roast 35 minutes or until outside is browned.

5.  Reduce oven temperature to 300°F. Roast turkey 2 hours 15 minutes or until thermometer inserted into thickest part of thigh reads165°F, rotating turkey halfway through roasting. Tent turkey with foil during last hour of roasting if turkey is browning too quickly. Transfer turkey to cutting board; let stand 20 minutes before carving.