
  1. Place kiwi ovals upside down on top of each oval pineapple slice to resemble Mike’s head. Place each pineapple sliced on a melon oval on a plate.
  2. Scoop out 4 balls from dragon fruit slice with 1/4 tsp for Mike’s l bulging eyeball (snack on scraps). Place each dragon fruit eyeball on top third of kiwi. Add a dried blueberry to form the pupil.
  3. With a sharp paring knife, trim half kiwi into Mike’s dangly legs and arms and add to sides and bottom of kiwi, draped over the pineapple. Add two almond slivers to top of each kiwi to form the smiling mouth and two more almond slivers protruding out of the top of Mike’s head to his horns.
  4. Scoop out horned melon and drizzle around Mike directly onto the plate.