
  1. Stir together chicken, grapes, celery, yogurt, salt and pepper.
  2. Scoop four equal portions (about ½ cup) onto a serving plate to make 4 servings. Shape each into an oval.
  3. Top with upside down avocado half.
  4. Decorate each avocado half to resemble Roz’s face. Using a sharp paring knife, trim each pretzel twist to create the lens of her horn-rimmed glasses (cut off the double loop section of each pretzel twist and discard or enjoy as a snack, keeping the single loop portion which will become one lens. You will need 2 lenses per Roz Head). Place two pretzel lenses on each avocado to form her glasses. Add a pretzel stick to each side of avocado to form the arms of her glasses. Push 4 pretzel sticks into the top of each avocado to form her hair. Add a strawberry slice, trimmed to look like lips for her mouth and a dried blueberry to the lower left side of her face to form her mole.