Because of the uncertainty about state and federal health authorities’ ongoing investigation of Romaine lettuce and Romaine products, we feel it’s important for you to know that at this time Dole Fresh Vegetables products are not implicated and that we have not recalled any of our Romaine products, nor has Dole been contacted by any federal or state agency on this. Nevertheless, at this time, the CDC is advising U.S. consumers not to eat any romaine lettuce, and retailers and restaurants not to serve or sell any, from whatever source, until it learns more about the outbreak.  

At Dole Fresh Vegetables, food safety is by far the number one priority of our business. First and foremost, we focus on prevention in the field, where we test for possible food pathogens and apply exacting safe-handling practices. But our vigilance only begins in the field. All of our decisions—the farmers we work with, where we purchase new equipment, the cleanliness of our facilities, what critical controls we implement during processing and packaging, etc.—is viewed through the prism of food safety. 

We do all of this so that consumers and their families can continue to enjoy with confidence our fresh and packaged vegetables and salads. 

So, at this time, per the CDC/FDA alert, and, in an abundance of caution, Dole has voluntarily stopped harvest, production and shipping of all romaine and any products containing romaine. Although we are stopping harvest, production and shipping, we are only doing so because of the CDC/FDA alert.  Presently, no common grower, supplier, distributor or brand has been identified, and we are not aware of any connection to Dole or to any Dole product. 

If you’d like more information or to speak live with a consumer response representative, please call our consumer hotline toll-free at 800-356-3111 Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm Pacific Time. That number will also direct to our after-hours service for your convenience.