Recall Of Cantaloupes Due To Potential Health Concerns
Westlake Village, CA - February 16, 2007
Dole Fresh Fruit Company announced the recall of cantaloupes in the Eastern U.S. and Quebec due to potential health concerns. Some cantaloupes packed on January 25, 26 and 27, 2007 by an independent, third-party grower in Costa Rica have tested positive for Salmonella. Although no illnesses have been reported, Dole voluntarily has decided to recall all cantaloupes imported from Costa Rica and packed by that grower.
Persons infected with Salmonella may experience a variety of symptoms and illnesses. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, healthy persons infected with Salmonella often experience fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In rare circumstances, infection with Salmonella can result in more severe illnesses and potentially can be fatal.
Approximately 6,104 cartons of cantaloupes were distributed to wholesalers in regions of the eastern United States and Quebec between February 5 and February 8, 2007. The cantaloupes have a light green color skin on the exterior, with orange flesh. The cantaloupes were distributed for sale in bulk in cardboard cartons, with 9, 12 or 15 cantaloupes to a carton. The recalled cartons are dark brown with "Dole Cantaloupes" in red lettering. They have a thirteen-digit number on a white tag pasted to the carton; the tenth digit is a 2.
The recall is a result of a random test by the company. Consumers who have uneaten cantaloupe purchased in the eastern United States or Quebec, on or after February 5, 2007, may contact their retail store to see if the product is the recalled brand. Consumers with additional questions should contact the Dole Consumer Center at (800) 232-8888.