Westlake Village, CA - March 14, 2007

Dole Food Company today announced that it is teaming up with Feed the Children to support South Florida's largest annual food drive. The company will donate over 42,000 lbs of Dole® Fruit Bowls and other nutritious Dole brand products for distribution on March 19 to needy families and children in Miami/Dade County. This marks the 10th year that Dole is participating in the food drive with Feed The Children.

The annual Feed the Children South Florida food drive provides supplies to more than 60 local hunger relief agencies. In 2006, volunteers distributed over 14 truckloads (or 373,000 pounds) of food, beverages, personal care products and paper goods, with a retail value of more than $630,000.

"Dole and Feed the Children share the same goal: promoting healthy lifestyles and providing children with the nutritious foods necessary for growth and development," said Marty Ordman, Dole's Vice President, Marketing & Communications, "One way to demonstrate our commitment is by helping families who are in need of access to healthy foods. This is a great event that we look forward to participating in year, after year."

For the drive, Dole will provide an assortment of Dole Fruit Bowls, Dole Parfaits and other healthy packaged fruit items. These nutritious items are not frequently available in the diets of low-income individuals. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, most young people are not following the recommendations set forth in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. In the U.S., 67% of youth between the ages of 6-19, exceed dietary guideline recommendations for fat intake and 72% exceed recommendations for saturated fat intake.

"Healthy eating is vital during childhood and adolescence for proper growth and development, and Dole is committed to providing foods for healthier lifestyles," said Ordman.

In addition to being a major supporter of the South Florida food drive, Dole has partnered with Feed The Children to provide healthy and nutritious foods around the globe. To date, Dole has donated over 5.5 million pounds of food and products to Feed the Children programs aimed at ending hunger and promoting nutrition for needy children.

Feed The Children is consistently ranked as one of the largest charities in the U.S., based on private, non-government support. The mission of Feed The Children is to deliver food, medicine, clothing and other necessities to families who lack these essentials due to famine, war, poverty or natural disaster.

Dole Food Company, Inc, with 2005 revenues of $5.9 billion, is the world's largest producer and marketer of high-quality fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and fresh-cut flowers. Dole markets a growing line of packaged foods and frozen fruit and is a produce industry leader in nutrition education and research