MANAGUA, Nicaragua – November 7, 2007 – Standard Fruit Company de Costa Rica, a division of Dole Food Company, Inc. announced today the donation of health equipment of approximately U$50,000 to rebuild and re-equip the pediatric ward of Bilwi´s hospital, in Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua. The funds will be donated by Standard Fruit and its workers from banana and pineapple farms in Costa Rica and employees of Dole Fresh Fruit Inc.“We were moved by the news of the damages caused by hurricane Felix in that region” said Danilo Roman, General Manager of Standard Fruit de Costa Rica. “The response of our employees, who are workers of banana and pineapple plantations, was immediate in joining the effort to put together funds for helping our fellows Nicaraguans. We want to contribute to the reconstruction of Nicaragua, especially in the areas affected by the hurricane, and we were informed that the health infrastructure of Puerto Cabezas was seriously damaged.”The equipment consists of 23 pediatric beds, five nebulization units, three incubators and other health equipment, in addition to air conditioning units, fans, ceilings, and windows for the pediatric ward of Bilwi´s hospital.Currently, Standard Fruit Co. does not have operations in Nicaragua. However, the history of the Company in Nicaragua´s East Coast dates back to 1920 when the Company had banana and wood operations in the Atlantic Coast.Related posts: