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Dole Banana Farm Ecuador

Nueva Esperanza

Banana Farm Image


Quality fruit needs space. The plantation covers more than 215 hectares, 537.5 acres, or 301 soccer fields. 283 people work at this plantation.

Certifications for this farm

Ecuador Flag Dole


Located between Colombia and Peru, Ecuador has an amazingly diverse landscape –from the highlands and towering volcanoes to the rain forest and low-lying coastal areas. With its tropical climate and fertile soils, Ecuador is the world’s biggest banana exporter, accounting for 30% of global exports.


The Manabí region is a coastal area in the northwest of Ecuador. Inland there is a lot of agriculture mostly cacao, sugar cane and tropical fruit including plantains and bananas. The climate in Manabí is tropical but much cooler than in the south of Ecuador. Cooler weather helps to reduce the presence of fungus and is therefore the perfect place to produce good quality organic bananas.


The climate in Manabí is tropical but much cooler than in the south of Ecuador. Cooler weather helps to reduce the presence of pests and diseases and is therefore the perfect place to produce good quality organic bananas.