Journey to a pineapple farm
How do we cultivate pineapples?
How do we cultivate pineapples?
How do we cultivate pineapples?
How do pineapples grow?
How do pineapples grow?
How do pineapples grow?
How do pineapples end up in the crate?
How do pineapples end up in the crate?
How do pineapples end up in the crate?
Pineapples and conservation?
Pineapples and conservation?
The secret about pineapples
The secret about pineapples
Why is the fruit harvested by hand?
Why is the fruit harvested by hand?
Why is the fruit harvested by hand?
Like most stages of production on a pineapple farm, harvesting is only done by hand. Selecting and picking the fruit off the plant requires a lot of skill. Our Dole team always wears protective equipment because the long leaves of the pineapple plants are very sharp.
The pickers place the freshly picked fruit on a conveyor belt. At the end of the conveyor employees work as a team to carefully place the fruit in the bins. Each area of the farm must be harvested up to three times in order to pick only perfectly ripe fruit.
How much care do pineapples need?
How much care do pineapples need?
What is different about organic farming?
What is different about organic farming?
Our employee David Gutiérrez knows that the better the soil, the bigger and better the harvest. He devotes a lot of time to the organic fertilizers used on our organic pineapple farm. Achieving the optimum soil conditions is no easy task.
There are many different factors to take into account, especially with organic production. David is an expert in his field. Find out about his work day and learn more about organic farming at Dole.
What about plant protection?
What about plant protection?
What about plant protection?
As far as pesticides are concerned, Dole's rule is: Use as little as possible, only as much as necessary, and never without the right precautions. To keep Crop Protection Product use to a minimum, Dole uses an integrated pest control programme known as IPM.
Dole producers expertly monitor the number of insects and pests and decide on a case-by-case basis which Crop Protection Products are required. Dole farms use innovative programmes for pest management. Dole also takes every possible step to protect soil and water quality.
Healthy soil for healthy fruit
Why does “pato” protect the soil?
Healthy soil for healthy fruit
Healthy soil is essential to healthy produce and flourishing, sustainable agriculture. Soil erosion caused by the absence of vegetation, heavy rainfall or strong wind is a natural process that can be increased by agricultural practices.
We give very high priority to soil protection. We have developed many different methods that ensure soil sustainability. Thanks to these measures, Dole farms register a soil erosion rate ranging from 1 to 7 tons while on average Costa Rica’s other agricultural activities face erosion rates of approximately 70 tons per hectare per year.
We train pineapple farmers and share our expertise through an association called “The National Chamber of Pineapple Producers and Exporters” – Cámara National de Productores y Exportadores de Piña.