Peaches (and Nectarines/Stone Fruit)
Nectarines "the peach without the fuzz" and peaches are both types of stone fruits. Enjoy either fruit as a snack, simply wash and eat.Nutrition
Peaches (and Nectarines/Stone Fruit)
Make the most of your fruit! Learn how to select, prep, and protect your farm-fresh produce.
How do you pick peaches, nectarines, or other stone fruits?
Choose ones that are slightly soft to the touch and free of blemishes.
How do you prepare peaches, nectarines or other stone fruits?
Enjoy peaches raw at room temperature cut into slices or on the go. They can be diced into salads, cooked into desserts or pureed into a sorbet.
How do you store peaches, nectarines or other stone fruits?
Once ripe, they can keep at room temperature for 3 to 4 days or longer in the refrigerator.