Ultimate Lunch Packing Formula
7 Easy & nutritious options for back-to-school
As September rolls in, many parents and kids are diving back into the school routine, which includes packing nutritious and appetizing lunches. To streamline the process and make it as stress-free as possible, we’ve created a handy lunch formula guide. Each option covers a main, protein, fruit, vegetable and treat to ensure a balanced meal for happy parents and even happier children. Here are seven lunch combinations that pair well together and can be easily mixed and matched.
Main: Turkey & cheese rollups
Protein: nuts
Fruit: apples
Veg: baby carrots
Treat: fruit dip
Main: Mac & cheese
Protein: turkey pepperoni
Fruit: clementine
Veg: cherry tomato
Treat: cookie
Main: Chicken sausage on a roll
Protein: almond butter with crackers
Fruit: grapes
Veg: celery
Treat: mini muffins
Main: Homemade English muffin pizza
Protein: yogurt
Fruit: banana
Veg: snap peas
Treat: pudding
Main: DIY lunchable (crackers, low fat cheese, turkey cubes)
Protein: hard boiled egg
Fruit: fruit salad
Veg: pickle slices
Treat: fruit-snack
Main: Egg salad
Protein: edamame
Fruit: raisins
Veg: celery
Treat: granola bar
Main: Chicken quesadillas
Protein: yogurt tube
Fruit: pineapple salsa
Veg: guacamole
Treat: fruit leather
Tips for Easy Packing:
Make a list of options for each category to keep on hand to reduce decision fatigue while ensuring everyone gets a balanced meal.
Published September 1, 2024