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Bob Ochsner or Collin Whitley

Amusement Park for Dole

(714) 881-2412






Classic entrée, salad, side dish, smoothie and dessert recipes

have been updated for today’s taste and nutrition demands

Dole’s “Powering the Hero Within” tribute continues through January 2019


         WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif. (

Oct. 29, 2018


 Disney fans looking to throw an epic party on Nov. 18 to recognize Mickey Mouse’s 90th anniversary now have another 13 classic, celebration-worthy recipes to consider. These are American classics, updated by Dole for today’s tastes and nutrition demands.

How about a hearty veggie meatloaf offering a healthier take on the 1950s? Or a surprising vegan hot dog made with roasted carrots that honors Mickey Mouse’s first spoken words?

Devotees of the Disney icon can then top it off with a signature Mickey Mouse-inspired banana-chocolate split that delivers all the taste and satisfaction of throwback banana splits but with a fraction of the fat and calories.

     The new site offers Incredibles 2-themed nutrition information and recipes, and allows visitors to load and share photos depicting their families’ idea of healthy eating. For each photo uploaded between May 24 and Sept.,15, 2018, Dole has committed to make a $2 donation to Action for Healthy Kids to support the national nonprofit organization’s work to build healthier families, communities and schools. Under the organization’s motto “Every kid healthy, active and ready to learn,” Dole and Action for Healthy Kids hope to inspire people to become a hero for those around them.

The new recipes are the latest twist of Dole’s yearlong “Powering the Hero Within” (#DoleHero) initiative, which culminates with a four-month salute to Mickey Mouse’s 90th combining new recipes and how-to recipe videos themed to different Mickey eras with images of Disney’s true original on tens of millions of DOLE® Bananas, Pineapples, packaged salads and vegetables in U.S and Canadian supermarkets.

Six Classic Mickey Mouse recipes, themed to America’s favorite true original in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s, were unveiled when the Dole campaign kicked-off Oct. 15.

Continuing through January 2019, “P owering the Hero Within” includes extensive digital, social, influencer, food blogger, experiential and PR activities designed to help parents and other everyday heroes motivate their families toward healthier eating. It also honors the long collaborative relationship between Dole and Disney, which first began in 1976 when the produce giant become the sponsor of Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room at the Disneyland Resort and at the Magic Kingdom in Walt Disney World.

“Dole and Disney share a commitment to helping families create healthier, happier lives – and no one embodies this optimistic spirit better than Mickey Mouse,” said William Goldfield, Dole’s director of corporate communications. “He is truly an icon and our RDs and recipe developers spent many months using his originality as inspiration to update some of the classic dishes popular during Mickey Mouse’s first 90 years – and the result is the broadest installment of recipes that Dole has ever created for a single program.  For us, it’s the ultimate tribute.”

Of the 13 new recipes unveiled today, five Old School dishes honor Mickey Mouse in the 1950s and 1960s, including Feta Toon-a Noodle Casserole,” an animated version of the iconic dish; No-Cook Beans & Greens Salad;” the indulgent Dole Lemon Tahini Yogurt Chiffon Cake;” and Dole Crunchy Vegetable Meatloaf and Dole’s New Chicken-a-la-King,” fresh-and-healthy takes on American classics.

Banana split aficionados will appreciate the True Original Mickey Mouse Banana-Chocolate Split,” Dole’s official, healthier-dessert salute to the Mouse made with DOLE® Bananas. Meanwhile, the delicious Dole Roasted ‘Not’ Dog,” made with roasted DOLE Carrots and the DOLE Sweet Apple Slawesome! Kit, takes its cue from Mickey Mouse’s first spoken words – “Hot dogs, Hot dogs! – in the 1929 Disney short, The Karnival Kid.

The remainder of the new recipes honor Mickey Mouse during the modern era, and include Grilled Salmon Spice Surprise,” Avocado Chicken Sesame Salad and “Kicked-up Curried Cream Spinach” – plus the party-worthy Coco-Nana Birthday Cupcakes. “Inspired by one of Mickey Mouse’s favorite expressions, Dole is also offering two flavors of “Gosh-Golly-Gee Clubhouse Smoothies Remix” – Pineapple & Carrot, and PB&J.  

All 19 original recipes created by Dole for Mickey Mouse’s 90th anniversary are now available for free public download along without other campaign assets on the Dole Pinterest page (

For Dole products, seasonal recipes, serving suggestions, the latest nutrition information and healthy-living tips, go to  

About Dole Food Company, Inc.  

Dole Food Company, Inc., is one of the world’s largest producers and marketers of high-quality fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. Dole is an industry leader in many of the products it sells, as well as in nutrition education and research. For more information, please visit

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