4 crafty ways to use the peels

Are you a fruit lover? Well, now you’re going to learn about a completely new side of your favorite produce. Not only is fruit DELICIOUS, the outer peel of bananas and pineapples etc. can also have new life instead of going to the bin!  The savvy use of fruit peels, skins and rinds is a smart way of reducing food waste. Our ingenious hacks will show you how this works quite simply every day.  Read until the end for refreshing Dole recipes, such as Tepache, a drink made with pineapple husk! Let’s use the full power of the fruit peel!

Hack 1: Simply eat the fruit peel.  Don’t stress too much about the peel of your favorite fruit. In many cases, you can actually eat the peel. This saves you a lot of organic waste and is actually good for you! Vitamins, minerals and fiber can be found just under the skin. Which fruit can be eaten with their skin on? Pears, apples, apricots and peaches are just some examples. Figs can also generally be eaten with their skins on too. If you plan on eating the outer skin, you should wash well with cold running water beforehand. Tip: Try them in a smoothie! Pineapples, melons, mangos and pomegranates DO NEED to be peeled, however.

Hack 2: Add unpeeled fruit to your smoothie.  Quick to do and very handy! Delicious smoothies are a crafty way of using fruit peels. Simply leave apples, pears and other suitable fruit unpeeled, chop them into pieces (after washing) and add them to the blender. Once the peel is well mixed, you won’t taste it at all, but it will give the drink a pleasant consistency. Add vegetables and rolled oats to make a colorful, healthy and substantial snack. How about our no-waste carrot, apple & strawberry smoothie? Take a look at our Dole blog to see countless other smoothie ideas.

Hack 3: Ferment pineapple skins.  You read correctly – fruit peels are also perfect candidates for fermentation. A great way of trying this fashionable trend is to make our Mexican pineapple-based drink – Tepache. It really is a clever way of using pineapple peel. Let’s be honest – it usually ends up in the bin, doesn’t it? Tepache has a fruity flavor with a hint of sweet and sour. Because of the lactic acid bacteria they contain, fermented foodstuffs are even good for our gut flora. For this recipe you need only pineapple, organic ginger, allspice berries, brown sugar, water, ice cubes and a few pineapple slices and whitecurrants. Conjure up some delicious Tepache here. To Mexico!

Hack 4: Fruit peels for beauty and grooming.  Have you just snacked on an orange or banana? You may want to hold onto that peel and use it for your next beauty day. Banana skins are the real heroes when it comes to body care. Use them to alleviate mosquito bites and other skin irritations. Banana skins can also help to relieve bruising or cuts and grazes. Puréed banana skins can be used in face masks and hair treatments. They also have a slightly brightening effect when used for some gentle dental care. And if you would just prefer to eat the yellow fruit, why now try our Banana Chicken in Black Beans or our Peanut Butter Banana Brownies!


Published April 1, 2023