World Food Safety Day


On June 7, the World Health Organization (WHO), global food safety authorities and companies around the world will recognize World Food Safety Day.   The purpose of World Food Safety Day is to raise awareness about foodborne illness and the impact it has on the health, prosperity, and food security of people around the world.  This year’s theme is “Safe Food Today for a Healthy Tomorrow” and according to the WHO the focus this year is to stress “that production and consumption of safe food has immediate and long-term benefits for people, the planet and the economy” to meet the needs of consumers today and in the future. 


In recognition of World Food Safety Day, and to raise awareness and promote food safety education, here are steps you and your family can follow:

  • Always start with clean and sanitized work area, equipment and utensils when preparing meals at home.This includes making sure you properly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before handling food.
  • Use a separate workspace, cutting boards and utensils for preparation of fresh produce and raw animal proteins to prevent any harmful microorganisms in the raw meat from getting on to the produce.
  • Before peeling, slicing, chopping, or preparing any whole fruit or vegetable, even those with hard peels or rinds which will not be consumed, wash the produce thoroughly in clean, potable water.
  • Ready-to-eat processed produce such as bag salads should not be washed before using as they have been carefully washed and prepared during production and washing in your home could inadvertently introduce contamination.
  • Fresh cut salads and produce should be stored under refrigerated conditions after preparation for optimal quality and to prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms.For freshest taste, use within 2 days of opening and keep refrigerated in the original bag!
  • If unable to store products under refrigeration, such as during picnics, potlucks or backyard barbeques, food should be consumed or discarded within 2 hours or less if the weather is above 90°F.

For additional resources on safe food handling in the home, please visit the following links:


Everyone has responsibility for food safety – growers, processors, retailers and even consumers – and we all have to do our part to protect against foodborne illness.  The food handling habits you use in your home are an important way to protect the safety of the products you prepare for your family today, so they can have a healthy tomorrow.


Published May 2021