Remember to Share
Sharing Information Can Help You Retain It
Do you look forward to the Dole Nutrition News each month? It’s time to spread the word! Sharing articles on social media not only helps your friends stay on top of the latest news in health and nutrition, studies show posting articles may help you better connect with and absorb the information you read.
Researchers asked 265 people to share an article from a news website on Facebook. Participants were randomly assigned to share the story via news feed, wall post or direct message; provide an opinion, question or no comment in the comments section; and either tag a friend or not. Results showed how people shared the story greatly influenced the extent to which they were engaged with the content. Asking friends’ opinions and engaging in discussion in the comments section inspired greater involvement with the news content, and those who shared the article felt a greater sense of influence. People who targeted or tagged specific friends also felt a greater sense of community and involvement.
In another study by the same lead researcher, 263 college students explored various websites on the same topic, but each site utilized different interaction and engagement techniques to convey the information. Physical interaction—clicking—was strongly correlated with information absorption and recall memory of the content.
Share the Dole Nutrition News on your social media channels to spread the information, and help you absorb it too! Post or Tweet your favorite articles, tag your friends, and inspire discussion on the latest in health and nutrition research. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter so you’ll never miss a nutrition beat.
Get the culinary conversation started by sharing this month’s featured recipe Spinach Crostini with Apple and Grape Relish—perfect for enjoying with friends as you discuss the Dole Nutrition News!
Published March 1, 2016