Popular Plant Protein
Trend supported by science
Protein is POP-U-LAR, and finding ways to include plant sources is gaining steam, whether at home, the grocery store or as new items on restaurant menus – you’ve probably already seen it! It’s not a fad either; protein from plants like peas, beans and legumes are trendy and supported by science. We recently reported that plant protein may help you feel fuller too!
One study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition analyzed the diets of over 2,600 Finnish men over 20 years, finding that those men eating high amounts of protein from animals (200g or 7 oz. /day) had almost 25% greater risk of death. Men who ate more plant proteins – think chickpeas, black beans and edamame – as part of their diet had lower risk.
Another study, published in Circulation, reinforces that plant proteins, when subbed in for red meat (which is naturally higher in fat, calories and cholesterol) can lead to lower risk for cardiovascular disease. Researchers compared diets of over 1,800 people, looking at those who ate red meat vs those who ate protein from other sources like chicken, fish and plants. Overall they found that diets higher in red meat resulted in higher triglyceride levels, observing that diets higher in plant proteins and less red meat led to lower total and LDL (lousy) cholesterol.
If you think you want to experiment with adding more plant proteins to your diet, Dole has a product for you – Dole Bountiful Kits. Along with pre-washed salad greens and tasty dressings, they’re coupled with fresh packs that include hearty plant sources of protein and whole grains like quinoa, edamame and black beans.
Try our hearty Quinoa Lentil Soup featuring Bountiful, for a different way to include greens and plant based protein in your diet.
Published July 1, 2019