Intro to DIY baby food 

Getting healthy by eating right can be overwhelming, and more so if you are mindful of the impact it can have on your health and planet.  It can be overwhelming times two when you become responsible for what your little ones eat!   

It’s become popular for parents to make their own baby food at home – cooking, pureeing, freezing little portions of fresh fruits, vegetable and lean proteins so they know exactly what they’re feeding their children.  And it’s not hard to see why.  A recent study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that almost two thirds of infants were consuming added sugars in their diet which is a serious concern!  Eating habits develop early in life and are directly linked with conditions like diabetes, heart disease and obesity.  So, getting a handle early in life is key!  Making your own baby food is one way to instill healthy eating habits early on in children.

Usually infants are introduced to solid foods around six months of age, or sooner if they can sit and hold their head up on their own and open their mouth when food approaches! 

It’s recommended to start with single ingredient purees that don’t include added sugars or added salts – think pureed cereals such as rice or oats, fruits and vegetables.  When making your own food, all you need is a way to cook fruits and vegetables until soft (steam, bake, microwave) and a food processor or blender to puree with a few tablespoons of breast milk or formula to thin to desired consistency.  Either serve right away or freeze to make mealtime easy peasy.  Store in the fridge for up to three days or labeled in the freezer – aim to use within 3 months

And remember! You don’t need to go overboard with making trays upon trays of food!  Babies have tiny tummies and will be eating a few tablespoons at a time.  The standard ice cube tray is about 1 oz or 2 tbsp per cube.  So a little bit of blending will go a long way! 

Stock up a variety of colored produce to be sure important nutrients are eaten!

Blue – blueberries, eggplants, grapes, prunes, blackberries

Red – strawberries, beets, Pomegranates, bell peppers, red potatoes, apples

Green – peas, spinach, broccoli, avocadoes, kiwis, asparagus

Yellow – Bananas, sweet corn, summer squash, pineapples

Orange – sweet potatoes, butternut squash, carrots, mangoes

Published March 2020