Foods good for you and your pet!

Nutrition and diet guidelines all agree, fruits and vegetables should be consumed several times a day.  For humans that is.  But what about your pet pup?  Should they have a diet rich in fruits and veggies too? 

Dogs technically don’t need fruits and veggies the same way we do, but there are in fact a lot of produce options that they can enjoy as a fun treat too!!  So, as you’re gearing up for the dog park this week, here are a few suggestions to pack a picnic that you BOTH can enjoy!

Remember, these are snacks, not full meals!  The Veterinary Medical Center at Tufts suggests the following portions: 

Apples (1/2 cup chopped) – They are an excellent source of vitamins A and C as well as fiber! 

Bananas (1/4 cup) – In moderation, bananas are a high potassium, low sodium treat for dogs. Be sure to toss the skin!

Blueberries (1/4 cup)– Antioxidants that are good for you AND your puppy! 

Pineapple – a couple of peeled and frozen pieces can make for a delicious summer treat!

Never give dogs banana peel, cherries, grapes/raisins nor avocado.

Dogs may also enjoy ½ cup chopped or sliced carrots or green beans cut into ½ inch pieces.  They may also like snacking on zucchini or cucumber slices (¼ and ½ cup respectively!)

Remember, all of these suggestions are technically “treats” and should not make up more than 10% of your dog’s diet in one day! 

Published August 1, 2021