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"The Billionaire Who Is Planning His 125th Birthday"

Last month, The New York Times Magazine published an extensive, in-depth and illuminating profile of David H. Murdock, the 88-year-old Chairman of Dole Food Company and founder of the Dole Nutrition Institute. Mr. Murdock spent days withThe New York Times award-winning writer and best-selling author Frank Bruni, who conveys his subject’s passion for nutrition, his creation of the North Carolina Research Campus, and his epic life, which has included more than its share of both triumphs and tragedies. Bruni describes Murdock as a “health paragon, patron and proselytizer, with a [colorful] biography.”

Online, the article generated hundreds of comments — which you can read and add to here. Though publicity-shy by nature, Mr. Murdock does embrace opportunities to inspire others to eat better, as he did during his appearance on Oprah, his Costco Connection interview, and even his blog on The Huffington Post. Want to learn more about Mr. Murdock’s philosophy of wellness? The Dole Nutrition Handbook is available for purchase here.

Published April 1, 2011