May 21 is ""Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day""!
At Dole, we believe that eating more fresh fruits and vegetables can lead to a happier, healthier life. So we’re hoping you’ll join us on a special day designed to remind us all of this simple fact.
It’s called “Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Day” – and it’s the first national holiday dedicated to the idea that eating more fresh fruits and veggies can be good for your health and good for your life. Starting May 21, the holiday will be celebrated on the Thursday before every Memorial Day, just when many of your favorite fruits and veggies are at their peak of freshness.
Join us by visiting Dole’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages for special holiday tips and other surprises from some of our favorite food and healthy-living bloggers. We have a wealth of fruit and vegetable recipe ideas to share, and we’re going on the road to proclaim May 21 as “Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Day” in Salinas, Westlake Village and Monterey and Los Angeles counties where Dole’s fresh fruit and vegetable divisions are based.
“Eat More Fruits & Vegetables Day” comes just one week before the launch of our Get Up and Grow! North American Tour, and is part of a year-long healthy-living initiative that features the Get Up and Grow! Healthy Living Pledge, a customizable commitment to eating better.
To take the Pledge and learn more about Get Up and Grow, go to www.dole.com/GetUpandGrow.
Published May 1, 2015