Challenge Yourself, or Better Yet, Create or Join a Team! 

Awards, friends, family, co-workers, healthy living, and did we mention awards? Dole is upping the ante in 2016 and challenging America to Get Up and Grow!™ Together and get healthy as a team. 

Social support has long been linked to health and well-being, and in our 2015 Healthy Living Pledge group effort was a common theme. You spoke, and we delivered! The 2016 Healthy Living Challenge is all about togetherness, because family and friends make everything more fun—as does a little healthy competition. 

Get started today! Head to to take the Healthy Living Challenge, create your team, and then recruit friends, family and co-workers to join your team. The onsite leaderboard tracks team progress against other teams across the country. The more points you score for your team, the closer you could be to winning an exclusive culinary party experience for up to 40 guests hosted by Dole’s very own chefs and healthy living experts! 

To learn more and take the Healthy Living Challenge, visit

Published June 1, 2016