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Omega-3 Linked with Lower Arthritis Risk

Like fish? You’ll love this news, then. Eating salmon more regularly could lower your risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Afflicting 33 million Americans, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammation of the joints in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy joint tissue. Genetic factors play a role, but diet and lifestyle also impact risk, as underscored by recent findings that fish may convey protective benefits.

A Swedish study recently published in the journal, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, explains how researchers monitored the diet of 32,232 women for 7.5 years and found that those who ate the equivalent of about 3 oz. of salmon weekly were 35% less likely to develop RA.  Even more promising, the study suggests that eating more than this amount consistently over the long haul could reduce RA risk by more than half!

To maximize your protection, we recommend a pescetarian diet — or “fish vegetarian” diet — comprised of fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and fish.  Indeed, British researchers found that too much red meat increases the odds of RA, while higher produce intake reduces the odds.  Moreover, such a healthy diet makes it much easier to lose  excess pounds, which in and of themselves can take a toll on your joints.

Bottom line: More fish means minimizing joint inflammation, plus a bunch of other benefits, including younger skin, sharper mind and even a better mood.

Published January 1, 2014