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Tea Drinkers Got Pregnant Faster

With wintry winds blowing outside, what could be more appealing than getting cozy with a nice cup of tea? For women seeking to conceive, tea time could yield an extra bonus in terms of increased chances of getting pregnant faster. That was the suggestion of a study recently published in Epidemiology, looking at how certain beverage choices impacted fertility.

Among 3,628 Danish women (average age 28) trying to become pregnant, those who drank two or more cups of black tea daily conceived 27% sooner compared to non-tea drinkers over the course of one year. Coffee consumption had no impact on fertility rates. Soda, by contrast, appeared to delay pregnancy: Drinking two servings of cola caused a 25% reduction, whereas three or more cola servings daily caused a 61% reduction in fertility. While these disparate rates for tea, coffee and soda suggest that caffeine may not be the decisive factor, previous research indicated that caffeine intake lowered estrogen levels among Caucasian women by 13%, while raising estrogen among Asian women by 59%. Moreover, once women have conceived, high caffeine intakes have been linked with higher rates of miscarriage.

Caffeine notwithstanding, researchers speculate the phytochemicals in black tea might have a positive impact on reproductive health. But you don’t need to be a hopeful mom to reap tea’s benefits. Regular tea drinkers were found to have a 71% lower risk of developing Parkinson’s. Other potential effects under study: Lower cancer risk, lower cholesterol, better dental health and weight management. Does adding milk interfere with tea’s benefits? The jury is still out, but at least one recent study found that adding milk to tea had no effect on the levels of protective compounds that make it into the blood stream. We suggest taking your tea as you like it, and what better way to enjoy it than by pairing it with Date and Nut Scones.

Published December 1, 2012