Winter means dropping temperatures outside but warming up with satisfying one pot dishes, holiday specialties and comfort foods inside!  With the increased pace and endless opportunities to celebrate with confections and cocktails, and often less sleep, winter is prime time for weight gain.  That’s not all, the bitter cold weather can cause distress to our skin.  The DNI’s registered dietitian, Melanie Dwornik, offers us some helpful advice to making this season a success. 

Avoid Winter Weight Gain

It’s thought that we are pre-disposed to overeat during cold winter months.  This idea is linked back to pre-historic times when food was scarce and weight gain was a survival mechanism.  Here are some tips to help minimize the winter bulk:

  • Start dinner with a broth based soup.  It warms you up and helps you feel full too!
  • Offer to bring a dish to gatherings.  That way you’ll know there will be at least one healthful go-to!
  • Focus on your company.  Distracted eating with TV and other devices has been linked to overeating.
  • Keep it moving!  Exercise not only helps burn calories but improves mood as well!  Look for seasonal activities that the whole family can get involved in like ice skating or sledding. 

Skin Health

Cold weather can wreak havoc on your skin causing redness, irritation and chapped lips.  Here are some tips to keep your rosy glow all winter long:

  • Choose vegetables rich in Vitamin A such as carrots and sweet potato to help avoid dry, chapped skin.
  • Limit refined sugars to avoid damage to your skins elasticity. 
  • Aim to include more Omega 3 fats in your diet in place of unhealthy saturated fats.  Omega 3’s may prevent wrinkles by reducing inflammation.
  • Load up on vitamin C rich produce like broccoli and pineapple to maintain smoother and more youthful skin.
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and minimize alcohol intake to keep skin looking fresh. 

Winter Holidays

Tis the season for celebrating, often with rich and decadent meals abound.  Here are two simple and healthy ideas to enjoy with friends and family at your next festivity:

  • Spin off the traditional crudité by arranging veggies like broccoli in the shape of a wreath or tree.  Use more colorful carrots, yellow peppers, tomatoes and cauliflower as decorations! 
  • Roasted chickpeas are a playful way to change up the mixed nut bowl.  Just rinse, drain and dry canned chick peas.  Sprinkle with spices like garlic and rosemary or spice things up with cumin chili and cayenne.  Bake off at 400°F (205°C) for about 30 minutes until browned and crunchy.  

Published December 1, 2017