Positive change often begins with very small steps.

Want to approach your day in a more relaxed and mindful way, eat healthier, exercise more and reduce stress? Then give these 10 little daily habits a try! You can start using these mini-rituals straight away and integrate them into your daily routine. Start with one or two things and see how they make you feel. These lovely habits are sure to make you feel better every day.

1. Small talk instead of a flood of news – it’s good to talk:  When was the last time you spoke to your family or your besties? With the stress of daily life, we often prefer to send a quick message via text rather than pick up the phone for a chat. But actually, talking to someone is anything but old school, it connects people. Make regular conversations with your loved ones a little habit. It’s worth it.

2. Breathe – treat yourself to some downtime every day:  After work, do you simply tear around the supermarket and then race to the gym? And do you have countless things to do on the weekend? Then brief periods of downtime could be an important ritual for greater happiness: take a short walk at lunch time, listen to a podcast or enjoy a cup of tea on the couch. Treat yourself! 

3. Enjoy your food – take time to chew:  A lot of people tend to eat on the go. Maybe you polish off fast food and snacks quickly while you are out and about, or you scroll through your social media accounts while you are eating. Instead, give your food the starring role! Focus on the flavors, colors and ingredients. This little ritual will allow you to enjoy your food more mindfully and you will be much more aware of being hungry or full. Our sesame barley bowls are particularly good choices for more mindful eating.

4. Get fit step by step – schedule some short walks:  This habit will get your circulation going for sure!  Use your free time to go for short walks. A walk around the block or through the park will blow away the cobwebs and clear your mind. You will be able to handle stress more calmly and walking at least 7,000 -10,000 steps a day will help to keep you fit and healthy in the long term.

5. It’s nice to be nice – give compliments:  The considerate woman working in the bakery, the dedicated postman, your neighbor or your friends – they will all be happy to receive a kind compliment or a heartfelt thank you. Warm words can actually make someone’s day. And positive vibes always come back to you. Spread some love here or there – a small habit that has great impact.

6. Snack attack – pack some fruit, water and healthy nibbles:  This mini-habit tastes good! Put together a small snack box that include healthy and hearty treats before an outing or before going to work. We are often unexpectedly hungry when we are out and about. If you would prefer not to spend on snacks, then nuts, homemade whole grain muffins, raw veggies and water make for an ideal snacking spread.

7. Have a structure for a clear head – write a to-do list:  This new routine will give you great satisfaction. Every morning, write down what you need to do that day. Which to-dos are particularly important, and which can wait? If you organize yourself in this way, you will keep a cool head and you will be less likely to get flustered. Don’t forget to also write down the things that will benefit you and that you are looking forward to today. These are just as important.

8. Together we’re stronger – it’s good to delegate sometimes:  According to the proverb, it takes a village to raise a child. Do you have kids? Don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends and family sometimes. Keeping an eye on children, cooking meals, organizing leisure activities or holidays – nobody has to tackle all of this alone. But it’s also worth remembering that also at work or within a relationship we are stronger together. Make it a habit to regularly ask the people around you for support.

9. Social media should also feel good – clear out profiles:  Pay attention to how you feel when you look at other social media profiles. Do you follow people whose online presence makes you feel envious, sad or insecure? Do you frequently compare your lifestyle with that of other people who you see on the social web? If the answer is yes, then it’s time to clear out some profiles. By adopting this habit, you can focus on inspiring accounts that enhance your day. After all, social media should always feel good.

10. End the day full of pride – praise yourself: “I did that really well” – we don’t say these words to ourselves often enough. It’s good to be proud of our own achievements and to acknowledge ourselves favorably. This ritual is a real boost for our self-confidence and happiness. Take a moment each evening to consciously look back over your day and recall what you can be proud of for that day. You looked after a sick child and made them laugh? You gave a presentation to colleagues? You finally got your bills done? You are simply super!

Published January 1, 2023