Our commitment to provide safe, high-quality, fresh produce that’s good for people, for nature and for food.

image of a farmer

Dole plc Sustainability Report 2022

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Download our Sustainability Report

"We relish the special role we play in improving people’s lives and wellbeing, encouraging increased consumption of healthier and more nutritious fruit and vegetables.’’

- Rory Byrne, Chief Executive Officer

Governance, Values and Human Rights

A man standing in a greenhouse holding tomatoes

The Dole Way 

Our commitment to provide safe, high-quality, fresh produce that’s good for people, for nature and for food.

A graphic illustration talking out the dole commitment towards people, nature and food

Sustainability Strategy and Targets 

For over 170 years, we have been as proud to deliver nutritious, high-quality produce all around the world, as we have been to take responsibility for the land from which it is grown. And we are equally committed to supporting and enhancing the global communities that ensure we can produce and deliver the quality of produce for which we’re known. 

We call this The Dole Way; our enduring commitment to grow, process and distribute our produce responsibly, today and for generations to come. Because being a responsible business is not just second nature, it literally is our business. We are making our commitments clearer than ever where we plan to focus our efforts for the future. The Dole Way paves the way for further improvements in areas where we believe we can make the biggest positive impacts. 

Our new, reset goals were developed by representatives across all areas of the company and this means they reflect our combined ambitions and commitment towards making a positive impact. These goals are aligned and contribute to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) supporting 10 of the 17 goals. In addition to our enterprise-level goals, each Dole operating division is working to achieve its own set of goals, tailored to the specifics of the produce they grow, pack or distribute in relationship to the needs of their local communities.

Partnerships and stakeholder engagement

"At Dole, sustainability, doing business the right way and responsibly managing resources and the environment in which we operate, lies at the heart of everything that we do. The award of Origin Green Gold status here in our home market is particularly gratifying, recognising as it does the dedication, effort, and expertise our people and our local growing partners nationwide bring to our business each and every day." - Des McCoy, Managing Director of Dole Ireland

A group of people in a meeting discussion

"Our sustainable growth strategy will be achieved by accelerating the implementation of science-based innovation in farming, and new technologies in our operations.” 

Johan Lindén Chief Operating Officer

Our Goals 

Our new set of ambitious sustainability goals.

Children with football

For Nature's Health

At Dole plc we recognise our role as custodians of the environment in which we operate.

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A Positive Impact

Discover how our teams around the world are making a difference.

a bunch of colorful vegetables on a table

For a Healthier Future

For more than a century, Dole has provided delicious and nutritious produce to millions of healthy-eating enthusiasts worldwide.

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A man in a farm holding a cauliflower in his hand

Improving Transparency in Fresh Produce

While we focus on good practices in our operations, we also need to ensure adherence to those standards by our suppliers of fresh produce. Transparency and product integrity in our supply chains are key to build trust with our consumers.